Terri Crookham
So first off let me tell you a few things about myself, I mean after all what makes me qualified to even talk about this whole horse racing stuff? Well my folks got in the business back in the early 70’s at a fair track in Victorville Ca, it wasn’t a pari-mutuel track and you didn’t even need papers to race there but it was a start. We traveled all over the fair circuit in Arizona till one day my mom told my dad she wanted to go to Juarez, my dad’s answer was “where the hell is Juarez”. It turns out they actually had a shirt that said that. Anyway, we raced there and all around New Mexico for years. I was, at first, the unofficial groom and when I was old enough I got my license and became official. As I got older and worked in the “real” world, I still went and helped my folks out whenever I could. One day I went in a partnership with my dad on my favorite horse, Dhabi Lee, until I moved out to Las Vegas to be with my now husband.
Time came and went, my dad passed away and my mom retired from the business. I even ended up working for the simulcast company that sends out the bulk of the tracks to everyone, great gig right? Watch horse racing all day and get paid for I, that will come into play later. Then the husband looks up a horse that my mom wanted some info on, Black Tie Affair, she used to love watching this guy run. The hubby ran across a grand-daughter of his, Missy’s Gone Wild, which was for sale in Riverside Ca. He said “let’s go buy a horse”, so we did. Now mind you there were other things we went thru before we loaded in the car and drove down there to see her, but I’ll cover that stuff in my writings.
Anyway one horse led to another, Practical Magic, and then Missy getting in foal, yes we’re now breeders too, and then a third horse, Running Isabella. I’ve heard people say they’re like Lays potato chips and you can’t have just one. We’ve been thru several trainers, riders,stables and vets. I started talking to another lady that was a small owner and we realized that there didn’t seem to be any sort of resource for people that were small owners or people just getting involved with the sport. I brought this up to another friend, Jessica, when she was out visiting from Kentucky. So then Jessica came up with idea to do this blog and asked me if I was up for it. I thought what the heck, I’m always on Facebook and all the sites anyway picking thru information so why not.
So the whole purpose of this blog is to share information about a business that, many times, likes to keep everything kind of secretive. So welcome to our blog, and be sure to let us know if there is anything you’d like to see us cover, or frankly anything you have a question about at all.