When you make the choice to breed you have to really dig in and do some research. This isn’t a deal where you put up some pictures of available studs on the wall and throw a dart, although truth told it seems that some people make their choices this way. Anyway, you have to look at your horse and try to find a match that will add those traits that you feel your horse lacks or needs improvement in. Example, you have a mare that has a lot of speed but runs in sprints, well you may want to mix with a stallion that has some history of running well at distance. Or you may want to add extra durability to mix. These are the kind of things you need to think about.
You may want to look for a stallion in your state since there may be breed incentives available to you thru your State Breeders Association. Plus, if your mare is in state it would be easier for you to visit and conduct any business you may need to take care of. In addition you may save on shipping cost, which can be considerable. If you choose to go out of state the stud farm will probably have a list of nearby farms that they deal with as far as boarding. It was a big surprise for us that the mares don’t usually stay on the farms where you breed in Kentucky. The stud farm can be a major source of information and help to you, so don’t be afraid to ask them.
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